
目前显示的是 九月, 2023的博文

Is Artificial Turf Safe for Your Family?

 The cause for concern in artificial turf is the backing made of tires. Although the scientific community still discusses the issue regularly, no evidence points to the grass as a health hazard. Is it safe for your family? Installing it outdoors is safe, and as long as your children don’t eat the infill for their daily afternoon snack, your family likely sees no risk. Do you have more questions about adding artificial grass? We would love to help. Get in touch today to learn more about how it can be a solution for your home.

What’s the Verdict?

  No one is saying that artificial turf doesn’t come with some exposure to chemicals of potential concern (COPC) – just as a treated natural lawn does. However, scientists say that exposure to these chemicals is low enough to that it doesn’t reach the threshold of concern. The scientific community limits its advice to suggesting that any facilities using  artificial turf indoors  – where exposure is highest –  provide plenty of ventilation  to avoid the buildup of chemicals.

Is Artificial Turf Dangerous?

 The evidence for issues like cancer is anecdotal. The list of kids diagnosed with cancer comes from personal experience – not a scientific data set. At present, no research links artificial grass and cancer. At the same time, the lack of testing the safety of artificial grass – and chemicals used to manufacture it – sometimes allows individuals to draw their own conclusions. An extensive investigation by NBC News couldn’t find any consensus on the matter. The Synthetic Turf Council say they have 14 studies available that do not link adverse health effects to artificial turf. In other words, they argue that it is safe for kids.

Why Might It Be Bad for Kids?

 What Is Artificial Turf? Artificial turf features three parts: Plastic blades of grass Infill for support Backing material The infill of artificial grass comes from recycled tires, which is where many of the concerns regarding safety come from. Why Might It Be Bad for Kids? Some worry about the safety of synthetic turf because manufacturers expose tires to chemicals during the manufacturing process. The danger comes when kids slide around on the turf and cover themselves in fragments of the infill. The issue came to the fore in 2014 when an investigation found that goalkeepers on American soccer teams experienced strange rates of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and other cancers. A list of players with cancer included 38 total players with 34 of them playing as goalies. However, many of those players came from Washington state, and there was no discussion of whether another environmental factor might be to blame for the incidence of cancer.

Artificial Turf: Is it Safe for Your Family?

 Have you heard the rumors about the safety of artificial turf? Artificial turf, sometimes called artificial grass, is a solution for lawns where grass doesn’t grow. You’ll also find it on most sports fields because it stands up to wear and tear better than its natural counterpart. It’s durable, cheaper to maintain, and easier to install. So why do some people dispute whether its safe? The answer is that some concerned parents worry about the issue after high-profile reporting of incidences of cancer. While those cancer cases are real, placing the blame squarely on artificial grass doesn’t tell the whole story. Learn more and see how this can provide options for your lawn.

How to Install Fake Grass on Concrete

 Synthetic grass can be installed on top of sound concrete. If it is broken up or cracked you will have to remove it and install as per a standard installation. If it is in good condition it will save you from having to install aggregates and prepare the surface. Fill any minor flaws in the concrete with a self-leveling compound. If there is a slight slope to ensure good drainage that is ideal. If not then drill holes for drainage and fill them with shingle. If there are any minor irregularities in the concrete you should lay the synthetic grass on to a foam underlay fixed with special glue. Fix the synthetic grass using the adhesive around the edges. Complete the installation as per a standard installation. Professional Installation There is no substitute for professional expertise when it comes to fitting synthetic grass. For long life and the best appearance get the people who know how to install fake grass. Then, sit back and enjoy your effortless, attractive lawn.

How to Install Fake Grass on a Slope

 Do the preparation as per a standard installation. Don’t lay the weed control material yet. Install the timber edging paying special attention to creating a sound supporting edge at the top of the slope. Spread type 1 sub-base across the slope to a depth of 2 to 3-inches and press it down by hand. Be careful not to push it all down the slope. Apply a coating of granite dust to a depth of 1-inch. Tamp the sub-base and granite dust down with a piece of heavy timber. Don’t use a Wacker plate on a slope. Fit the weed control membrane on top of the sub-base to help bind the aggregates. Install the synthetic grass as normal nailing it to the edges.

Standard Synthetic Grass Installation

 A standard installation starts with good preparation. Remove any previous turf together with any paving. Prepare the surface so that it is at a constant level with no bumps or potholes. Lay a weed control membrane in strips. Overlap the strips and cut it to the required shape. Nail it down into the ground. Concrete in timbers around the edge of the area to be turfed. These will provide a secure edge for the turf to be fastened to. Position them just below the level of the grass. To maximize the drainage of rainwater lay a 3 to 4-inch sub-base of type 1. If water drainage is not likely to be a problem a 2-inch base will be fine. Use 1-inch fine granite dust as the surface the synthetic grass will sit on. Level the base with a Wacker plate. Install your synthetic grass cutting it to size and using a bolster chisel to press it into the edges. Make any joints with tape and glue. Nail the synthetic grass to the timber edge. Add kiln dried sand and brush it.

How to Install Fake Grass in Any Backyard

 How to Install Fake Grass in Any Backyard Artificial or synthetic grass is getting more popular especially as modern products are such an improvement on early versions. People chose synthetic grass for many reasons including to help with allergies. Over 50 million Americans suffer from some kind of allergy and artificial grass can reduce exposure to grass pollen. You may love the idea of artificial turf but worry that you won’t be able to fit it in your backyard. Perhaps you want to install it on a slope or a concrete slab. Read on to learn how to install fake grass in your backyard. What is Synthetic Grass? Synthetic grass is a beautiful, time saving, environmentally sustainable alternative to a real grass lawn. You won’t have to do much more than a little raking and hosing. There are no pesticides, watering, cutting or herbicides to apply. There are various types of synthetic grass each of which is designed for a different purpose. Choose from landscape, pet, golf or indoor turf pro

Proper Installation Is Key

  For either drainage system to work effectively they must be   properly installed   by professionals. Artificial grass installation is one home renovation you shouldn’t DIY. When a professional is surveying your existing lawn, they’ll take into account specific things. These include slope, soil content, and rainfall conditions. This will help them decide how to proceed. They will begin by excavating a layer of your existing lawn. Then they’ll grade it to the proper specifications. They’ll then add in a high-quality base material such as gravel and sand to allow water to fully drain down to the water table. For installations over brick, concrete, or other hard surfaces a slope analysis will need to be performed. Your installer will look at the existing lay of the land and figure out if there are already drainage problems. Usually, they will apply a self-leveling compound to smooth over any imperfections in the material. If your patio doesn’t already have a drainage system in place your

Hard Surface Draining

  With hard surface draining it really comes down to the existing drainage apparatus in place. In most cases, your concrete or brick was put in place with a drainage plan in mind. It will be sloped to direct water to another part of the lawn or into a drainage pipe. If you’re already experiencing drainage problems on your patio, you’ll need to have them corrected before having artificial turf installed. The backing material on your grass will also act as a turf drainage system. It will allow water to flow across it to drainage pipes or to drain down into holes drilled through the hard surface.

Natural Draining, Imitation Grass

  If your artificial grass is placed right on earth, as is common in most systems, you won’t see any drainage problems. Modern synthetic lawns are designed to drain just as efficiently as natural grass. All artificial grass products have a backing material under the grass blades. It can be made of several different materials but in all cases is designed for efficient drainage. There are small holes at regular intervals across the material that allows water to flow right through it. Once it reaches the soil underneath it goes directly into the natural water table.

How Does Imitation Grass Drain?

  Installing an artificial turf system is one of the  best decisions  a homeowner can make. Not only does imitation grass require far less maintenance, but it also helps save the environment by reducing your water usage. Many people have heard horror stories about pooling water and poor drainage. Modern artificial grass manufacturers have completely fixed these issues. Keep reading to learn about the built-in turf drainage systems available in today’s imitation grass.

Top Turf Qualities for the Best Artificial Grass for Dogs

  Don’t settle for just any turf, give your furry best friend the perfect play space with the best artificial grass for dogs! The weather in Dallas is almost always sunny. That is why pleasant aesthetic and durability of the grass is essential – important turf qualities that natural grass cannot copy. However, some people are hesitant to use synthetic grass, fearing that their dog won’t enjoy it like natural greenery. Fret not! As long as the artificial turf for your petscape has these essential qualities, you don’t have to worry about a single thing. Let’s take a look at the qualities of good synthetic grass for your petscape. Standout Qualities of Pet Artificial Grass Poop Resistant When looking for good synthetic turf in Dallas, choose one that can deal with your pet’s natural habits. It can’t be avoided that your dog will defecate once in a while. The good thing about high-quality turf is that it can handle the feces that come out from your pet. They just need to be picked up from

Choose the Best Turf for Your Pets

 Now that you know the benefits of artificial turf in Dallas, you need to choose the best turf varieties for your pets to play on. Here at Synthetic Grass DFW, we use two distinct types of turfs for our grass system. These are: Tiger Turf Tiger Turf is 100% American made artificial grass that is high in quality and can withstand both temperature conditions and physical damages. Its advanced blade development and color variety give off the aura of a natural lawn, plus the advantages of zero mud, zero stains, and zero holes. Your pets can play on the lawn and feel as at home as they do in a natural setting! As a testament to its durability, Tiger Turf carries with it a 15-year manufacturer warranty. EasyTurf Another top choice of pet owners, EasyTurf not only has a very realistic appearance but also has efficient proprietary drainage known as MaxxFlow. This technology makes cleaning up after your pet a lot easier, with its 100% permeable, rinse-clean trait. It is also free of toxic mater

Create Pet-Friendly Spaces with the Best Artificial Grass for Dogs

 Just like choosing your dog, preparing the lawn for their play space is something you need to think about seriously. Will you be ready to always clean up the mud your pet brings into the house? If you want to avoid this and other maintenance issues, your most viable option is installing the best artificial grass for dogs. Let’s look at how to create pet-friendly spaces below: Artificial Turf Creates Pet-Friendly Spaces Never worry about your pet’s behavior on synthetic turf again! Here’s why many homeowners around Dallas, TX prefer pet turf: Pets are easily drawn to it. Dogs value comfort as much as humans, and they are easily attracted to artificial grass. This is because synthetic turf has a life-like feel and it mimics natural grass perfectly in form. It spells a difference in a dog’s life. Grass with uniform length can motivate a dog to get more exercise. It also allows your furry friend to do business with ease, compared with varied grass length. Shorter pile heights are easier t

Creative Landscaping Ideas Using Artificial Turf in Dallas

Tired of your plain, old backyard? Breathe new life into your outdoor space using artificial turf in Dallas! Revitalize your lawn experience with these 5 creative landscaping ideas. Artificial grass is a low-maintenance, evergreen alternative to consider when exploring fresh ways to style your landscape. Creative Landscaping Ideas Using Synthetic Grass Synthetic turf in Dallas comes in all sorts of pile heights, thickness and shades, making it ideal for homeowners who want to go beyond the classic green yard. Jumpstart your lawn redesign with the five creative landscaping ideas below! 1. Add pops of color with planter boxes. Just because you’re working with artificial grass doesn’t mean you can’t have your favorite flowers and plants in your yard. In fact, it’s much easier to care for them when you go synthetic. With artificial turf, you don’t need to deal with weeds, pests, insects and endless watering and mowing just to have a beautiful background for your blooms. Plant your desired

What Kind of Activities Can My Dog Enjoy on Artificial Grass?

 With the latest artificial grass designs and their reliable materials, your dogs are free to enjoy their favorite activities in the yard, including: Scratching and Digging – When dogs scratch or dig in the backyard, your natural lawn is ruined. This problem is eliminated by artificial turf. Your dog can try to dig all they want, but artificial grass will remain undamaged.However, there will be rare occurrences where you might need to have your artificial turf refilled. Not because the turf is damaged, but because the infill materials might get displaced after aggressive digging. Running – Dogs seem to have infinite energy and they just love to run around the backyard. Especially when they have excess energey, you won’t be able to stop them from having fun!If you have a natural lawn, the foot traffic might leave dead patches and wear a path on your landscape. With artificial turf you won’t have to worry about this at all. All you need to do is brush the artificial grass with a stiff br

Synthetic Grass FAQ: Is Artificial Grass Durable Enough for My Pets?

 After reseeding, fertilizing and caring for that bare patch in your yard, the grass is finally starting to grow again. Unfortunately, your dog just decided it’s the perfect spot to bury their new bone! For many pet owners, maintaining a beautiful lawn always feels like an uphill battle. But, artificial grass for dogs can give you the best of both worlds: a happy pet and a lawn you can be proud of! What Makes Artificial Turf Dog-Proof? To understand why high-quality artificial turf is indestructible by dogs, you must know what makes it so resilient: High Stitch Rate – Synthetic grass has a high stitch rate making the grass durable and natural looking. The ideal stitch rate for turf is at least 16,000 stitches per square yard. Carefully-Designed Gauge – The gauge is the space between the stitching on artificial turf. High-quality pet turf has less distance between the lines, making the grass hardwearing. Reliable Backing – Quality synthetic grass has woven fabric as its backing. The wov

Entire Synthetic Grass Lawns

  Theres a reason were seeing more and more people switch to an entire synthetic grass lawn. The increase in time spent outdoors. No more mowing. No watering. Increased home value. No more mud. The list could go on… We are seeing an increase in referrals as more and more homeowners experience synthetic grass in someone else’s home, and decide they would benefit from its many features. We haven’t met one disappointed homeowner who has had synthetic grass installed in the 8+ years we’ve been in the business. 2021 has been an exciting year of projects.

After nearly a decade of artificial grass installation

 We’ve added a photo of a recent balcony install! Would you cover your balcony patio with artificial grass? After nearly a decade of artificial grass installation – we have seen it all. And we still see unusual backyard designs. One of the best parts of what we do is adding the finishing touch on someone’s backyard masterpiece. We see incredibly detailed poolscapes, sports spaces with volleyball & basketball courts, putting greens, turf ribbons, dog runs, and sometimes – all of those combined into one! Any area can benefit from artificial grass including simple areas, functional areas, and hard-to-keep areas.  We absolutely love what we do and we love a good challenge. Do you have an unusual space? We’d love to see it!  Interested in learning more? We’re happy to help! Click here to contact us today to schedule a free, no obligation quote!

Most Unusual Places We’ve installed Artificial Grass

  It’s true. Pretty much anything can be turfed! Turf is another name for artificial grass or fake grass. We’ve been installing artificial grass for almost a decade. And we’ve seen it all! The majority of our installs are residential homes – front yards, backyards, poolscapes, petscapes, putting greens, and play areas. Also, we cover our fair share of commercial installs with sports fields and green spaces of all kinds. But, we have definitely seen some unusual spots! We our most unusual artificial grass installations in one spot…   Unusual Artificial Grass Spot #1: Basketball Court Rooftop Yep. You read that right. Imagine your basketball court having an artificial grass roof! This was definitely one of the most unusual places we’ve installed turf. This particular court was inlaid into a steep hill where you walked down stairs to get inside. You walked out from the back door of the house and that took you right onto the roof of the court where the grass is laid.   We’ve added a photo

13 Dallas Landscaping Ideas for Synthetic Home Putting Greens

 Creating an impressive landscape around your synthetic home putting green is an excellent way to enhance your outdoor space’s aesthetic appeal. Here are some creative ideas to get you started: 1. Border Planting Surrounding your putting green with a variety of plantings is a classic landscaping idea. Choose low-growing perennial flowers, ornamental grasses, or ground covers to create a beautiful and natural-looking boundary that visually separates your green from the rest of your yard. Remember to select plants that match your local climate conditions. For instance, if you live in a desert region, succulents, and drought-resistant plants can be a perfect choice. 2. Water Features Adding a small pond or a stream can bring a serene and luxurious feel to your putting green. The sound of flowing water can also provide a calming ambiance. Incorporate a small bridge over your water feature to create a mini golf course feel. 3. Hardscape Elements Elements like stone pathways, wooden decking,

Customize Your Golf Game: 13 Dallas Landscaping Ideas for Putting Greens

 Designing a custom home putting green with natural grass can be a nightmare. That’s why many golf enthusiasts are turning to synthetic turf to create their dream course. It has none of the problems of natural grass when it comes to customizations, and it lends itself well to Dallas landscaping ideas. Why It’s Easier to Customize Synthetic Turf for Putting Greens If you’ve ever dreamt of recreating your favorite local course in your backyard, you’re not alone. However, bringing this vision to life with natural grass can be a formidable challenge. Let’s unpack some of the most pressing issues and how synthetic turf overcomes them. 1. Easy Maintenance Natural grass demands constant care – watering, mowing, aerating, and fertilizing. This takes considerable time and energy, especially to maintain the desired putting surface smoothness and speed. Unlike natural grass, artificial putting greens require minimal upkeep. There’s no need for watering, mowing, or fertilizing. Regular sweeping wi

Artificial Turf Carbon Fibers

If you’re considering installing artificial grass, you may have encountered the terms C4, C6, and C8. But what exactly do these terms mean? C4, C6, and C8 are all different grades of carbon fiber. In this post, we’ll explore the differences between these carbon fibers to help you choose the right one for your needs. Carbon fibers are the material used to make artificial turf blades. The higher the number, the longer the carbon chain. Longer carbon chains increase resiliency and flexibility, making turf better suited to heavy foot traffic. Shorter carbon chains on the other hand are well-suited for low-traffic areas. Let’s explore! First, let’s talk about C4 carbon fibers. These are made of polypropylene (PP), which is stiffer and less flexible than the polyethylene (PE) used in C6 and C8 fibers. Due to their characteristics, C4 fibers are typically used in low-traffic areas like decorative lawns, balconies, and rooftops where high performance isn’t necessary. So, if you’re looking for

Government Allocates $2 Million to Replace Grass in Clark County

 The federal government allocates $140 million to conserve 77 billion gallons of water — offering exciting opportunities for Nevada-based turf retailers and installers! The Department of the Interior is funding 84 water projects in 15 states in the hopes of conserving roughly 230,000 acre-feet of water. This investment aims to boost drought resiliency across the West by funding local initiatives to cut water waste. “The projects we are funding today are locally led and will support increased water conservation through innovative efficiency measures,” said Deputy Secretary Tommy Beaudreau. The funding will be provided through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law over the next five years. Projects include updating canal lining, providing better water meters, and replacing natural grass with artificial turf. What This Means for Vegas Residents In Vegas Valley, the federal government is paying $2 million to convert 22 grass fields to artificial turf at 11 high schools across the Clark County

Talk of the Town

 You like to look good! And you want a yard that looks good too. And why not? A well-designed yard boosts property values, and that’s something everybody can be thankful for. That’s why you opted for DreamScape. DreamScape makes dreams a reality using the latest artificial grass technology! Its sophisticated design offers you an elegantly modern lawn with none of the pitfalls of traditional turf. DreamScape products feature unparalleled realism, an exceptionally high flow rate, and a lush pile height. Be the talk of your town! For the absolute best in artificial grass, we recommend Dream Eco 96! Not only is this product beautiful and soft to the touch, but it’s also backed by Turf Distributors’ signature 16-year warranty! Proud Parent You want your kids to grow up being healthy and active. You understand that a backyard is more than just a place with a fence and some turf — it’s a place for kids to play, create, and discover! Whether you’ve installed a mini playground for your little o

What your artificial turf lawn says about you!

 With so many different types of artificial turf, your artificial lawn really says a lot about you! Are you sporty, classy, or practical? Are you the host with the most, or your HOA’s favorite resident?  See what your turf lawn has to say about you! Below we discuss the different types of turf and what each says about your personality. Weekend Warrior You’re the type of person who likes to make the absolute most out of your weekend! Whether that means late afternoon putting practice or Saturday pickup football, you use ActiveScape to craft the ideal backyard oasis. Good choice! ActiveScape includes a variety of products that support fit, active lifestyles — like Hybrid 59! You can use Hybrid 59 to build batting cages, create your own personal field, or level up your training with a home gym. If you’re the sort of person who likes to squeeze the most out of your weekend, Hybrid 59 has you covered! And you can also add Platinum Putt as the perfect complement to Hybrid 59! It’s great for